For sale

565 - 576 of 2828 listings


  • When to Host the Perfect Bar Job Hours: A Witty Guide
    When to Host the Perfect Bar Job Hours: A Witty Guide
    152.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Seligman (West Virginia) 2024/06/18
    The Charm Factor: Essential Skills for Success To truly excel in a bunch bar setting, one must possess an array of abilities. The capacity to converse effortlessly with a various clientele, a eager understanding of social cues, and an unwavering sens...
  • Spin City: Discover the Glitz & Glamour of Slot Sites
    Spin City: Discover the Glitz & Glamour of Slot Sites
    80.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Gamaliel (North Carolina) 2024/06/18
    The Evolution of Slot Machines to Online Platforms Early slot machines emerged within the late nineteenth century, evolving from guide lever-operated devices to classy digital platforms. Modern online slots come with enhanced graphics, soundtracks, 슬...
  • Pouring Dreams and Mixing Fun: Your Ultimate Guide to Host Bar Jobs for Beginners
    Pouring Dreams and Mixing Fun: Your Ultimate Guide to Host Bar Jobs for Beginners
    102.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Safford (Connecticut) 2024/06/18
    Working at a number bar is not simply one other google job search; it is an immersive experience that is each fascinating and challenging. Imagine stepping right into a world where charisma, a knack for dialog, and fast thinking are your main tools f...
  • Serving Part-Time: The Art of Balancing Plates and Paychecks
    Serving Part-Time: The Art of Balancing Plates and Paychecks
    28.00 £
    Art - Collectibles (Minnesota) 2024/06/18
    Most part time jobs-time bartenders bear rigorous on-the-job training, the place they learn the home guidelines, drink recipes, part time Jobs and customer service requirements. This training period is invaluable, providing real-world expertise that ...
  • Mastering the Mischief: Essential Precautions for Hosting in English Bars
    Mastering the Mischief: Essential Precautions for Hosting in English Bars
    82.00 £
    Art - Collectibles City of Waverly (Minnesota) 2024/06/18
    Using Non-Verbal Cues Non-verbal communication can be a powerful tool in preventing and resolving conflicts. Signals corresponding to hand gestures or eye contact can convey messages discreetly amongst employees, allowing for a coordinated response t...
  • Mastering the Art of Host Bar: Tips, Tricks, and Witty Banter
    Mastering the Art of Host Bar: Tips, Tricks, and Witty Banter
    246.00 $
    Art - Collectibles McNeal (California) 2024/06/18
    Many institutions offering host bar jobs for newbies present complete training programs. These onboarding classes typically cover a broad range of matters, including understanding the menu, mastering reservation methods, and studying concerning the e...
  • Spin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Online Slots
    Spin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Online Slots
    135.00 $
    Art - Collectibles South Daytona (New Mexico) 2024/06/18
    Mastering the artwork of online slots is a mix of understanding the mechanics, employing strategic betting, 온라인바카라 and maintaining a accountable gaming method. Whether you are in it for the joys, 바카라사이트 the potential huge wins, or simply to cross the...
  • Unveiling the Attire Mystique: Dressing to Impress as a Bar Host
    Unveiling the Attire Mystique: Dressing to Impress as a Bar Host
    248.00 $
    Art - Collectibles City of Greenville (Nevada) 2024/06/18
    Some bars spend money on their staff by way of training applications that enhance skills and supply academic alternatives. Whether it’s a workshop on mixology, customer service training, or 남성고소득알바 management courses, these resources can significantl...
  • Roll the Dice of Thrills: Discover the Ultimate Casino Site Experience
    Roll the Dice of Thrills: Discover the Ultimate Casino Site Experience
    59.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Gu Oidak (Arkansas) 2024/06/18
    Let's speak concerning the coronary heart of any Casino Site: the games. You’ll find a vibrant spectrum of selections starting from basic desk video games like Blackjack and Roulette to an extensive number of slot machines. These slot machines are av...
  • Unveiling the Attire Mystique: Dressing to Impress as a Bar Host
    Unveiling the Attire Mystique: Dressing to Impress as a Bar Host
    72.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Haigler Creek (Virginia) 2024/06/18
    While it might sound excessive, certain protective gear can be indispensable. Non-slip shoes, cut-resistant gloves for bartenders, monster job search and even safety goggles during busy events can significantly reduce the number of injury incideRegul...
  • Bet Big, Win Big: The Ultimate Guide to Unveiling the Casino Site Wonder
    Bet Big, Win Big: The Ultimate Guide to Unveiling the Casino Site Wonder
    30.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Fountain Hills (West Virginia) 2024/06/18
    Welcome to the world of online Baccarat, an exciting and stylish sport that mixes luck and strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned participant or a curious newcomer, understanding the nuances of this traditional casino sport could make a huge distinction...
  • Cheers to Safety: Mastering Host Bar Job Precautions
    Cheers to Safety: Mastering Host Bar Job Precautions
    61.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Rafter J Ranch (Washington) 2024/06/18
    One of the most significant advantages of working as a bunch is the honing of communication skills. Hosts are the first level of contact for patrons, and they should engage patrons effectively. This interplay entails listening to visitor