For sale

589 - 600 of 2888 listings


  • Navigating the Host Bar Jungle: Essential Precautions for the Genial Maestro
    Navigating the Host Bar Jungle: Essential Precautions for the Genial Maestro
    46.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Eagar (Missouri) 2024/06/19
    Ethical dimensions of the job can be nuanced; hosts must navigate the fantastic line between offering good service and managing private boundaries. Occasionally, emotional labor monster job search and potential burnout are issues, necessitating self-...
  • Pour Decisions: Your Ultimate Guide to Host Bar Jobs for Beginners
    Pour Decisions: Your Ultimate Guide to Host Bar Jobs for Beginners
    60.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Danielsville (Hawaii) 2024/06/19
    The allure of host bars has captured the imaginations of many, however finding the perfect location, especially one that caters to English speakers, can be daunting. Host bars, identified for their charismatic hosts who entertain and enlighten patron...
  • The Unofficial Guide to Dodging Host Bar Faux Pas: Sleek Rules for Smooth Operators
    The Unofficial Guide to Dodging Host Bar Faux Pas: Sleek Rules for Smooth Operators
    125.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Chuichu (Washington, D.C.) 2024/06/19
    For some, skilled counseling or 선수다알바 therapy could also be necessary to cope with the high stress ranges associated with the job. Many organizations now recognize the significance of psychological well being and offer assist packages. Access to such...
  • Pouring Tales and Shaking Skills: The Host Bar Experience Unveiled
    Pouring Tales and Shaking Skills: The Host Bar Experience Unveiled
    124.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Waukomis (Iowa) 2024/06/19
    Recognizing Fake IDs One challenge hosts face is identifying fake IDs. Training periods should cover widespread signs of cast documents and the steps to take if an ID appears suspicious. Using technology like ID scanners can add an extra layer of saf...
  • Ready to Be the Life of the Party? Uncover the Secrets to Nailing Your Host Bar Job Application
    Ready to Be the Life of the Party? Uncover the Secrets to Nailing Your Host Bar Job Application
    167.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Tullahoma (Colorado) 2024/06/19
    One of essentially the most enticing perks of being a number bartender is the social aspect. Meeting new people every day and being a central a half of their enjoyment is incredibly rewarding. Financially, 선수알바 the position is interesting as nicely; ...
  • Mastering the Host Bar Interview: Shaken, Not Stirred!
    Mastering the Host Bar Interview: Shaken, Not Stirred!
    82.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Town of Ojibwa (Washington) 2024/06/19
    Never underestimate the power of ultimate touches. A lint curler could be your best friend, ensuring your apparel remains immaculate. Double-check your outfit earlier than getting into the bar—look out for any small patches, unfastened threads, or cl...
  • Get Lucky from Your Laptop: Master the Art of Online Casinos!
    Get Lucky from Your Laptop: Master the Art of Online Casinos!
    118.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Alpine Northwest (Massachusetts) 2024/06/19
    Managing your bankroll effectively is critical to having fun with on-line casinos responsibly. Setting a budget on your gaming activities can stop you from overspending. Many seasoned gamers observe the golden rule of by no means betting get more inf...
  • Mastering the Art of Hosting: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Bar Job
    Mastering the Art of Hosting: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Bar Job
    170.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Brookmont (Florida) 2024/06/19
    Managing intoxicated patrons is an inevitable facet of working in a bunch bar. Hosts must be educated to acknowledge early indicators of excessive ingesting and be ready to take applicable motion, 선수알바 corresponding to offering water or gently sugges...
  • The Art of Charm: Spinning Tales and Cocktails as a Host in a Bar
    The Art of Charm: Spinning Tales and Cocktails as a Host in a Bar
    155.00 $
    Art - Collectibles (New Jersey) 2024/06/19
    Advancing Your Career in the Host Bar Industry Opportunities for career progress within the host bar trade abound. From junior host positions, job search you possibly can progress to senior roles, management, or even ownership. Continuous learning, n...
  • Mastering the Art of the Host Bar Job Interview: A Sip of Success
    Mastering the Art of the Host Bar Job Interview: A Sip of Success
    97.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Clarissa (Michigan) 2024/06/19
    The function of a bar host is not nearly greeting patrons with a smile and 선수알바 handing out menus. These professionals are the heartbeat of the establishment, usually first to provide an impression and frequently the final to ensure friends depart fo...
  • Spin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Online Slots
    Spin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Online Slots
    212.00 $
    Art - Collectibles Delta (Delaware) 2024/06/19
    Security is paramount in terms of on-line playing. Look for websites which would possibly be licensed and controlled by reputable authorities. SSL encryption and two-factor authentication are additional safety measur...
  • Mastering the Art of Host Bar Jobs: Tips and Tricks to Shine
    Mastering the Art of Host Bar Jobs: Tips and Tricks to Shine
    32.00 £
    Art - Collectibles Sleepy Eye (Oregon) 2024/06/19
    Diversity in Attire Keeping a flexible wardrobe allows you to adapt to various themes and google job search events. From black-tie soirées to extra relaxed gatherings, having the power to swap effortlessly between kinds ensures you always match the n...